Service Retention
Let us help you meet your business requirements
Upon contact we will liaise with you to develop a service scope and level to meet your business requirements.
Service Retention
Upon contact we will liaise with you to develop a service scope and level to meet your business requirements.
The specific requirements of all businesses differ depending on an array of factors, such as, risk & occupancy profile, management approach and fire safety systems and arrangements, which is why our service is designed to develop fire safety solutions that are an integral part of business management.
All services will provide access to consultants who will deliver reliable advice and guidance on the development of a Safety Management System relevant to your business, management and arrangements. All services we deliver can be delivered on an ad-hoc or retained basis.
An initial review of requirements to establish the scope & level of consultancy assistance required. This will enable us to provide a proposal detailing the service level and costs.
Throughout the service review we are guided by you and liaise regarding objectives and needs to ensure we can define the service that is right for you.
Subject to the service review we will supply a service proposal that will define the scope and level of service required.
The intention is to develop a service level and scope that will meet the needs of your business and permit us to provide a quote and contract in accordance to your specific requirements.
Once the services are defined and the scope agreed, we will provide a quote and contract detailing all aspects of the proposed service provision.
The quote and contract term can be ad-hoc work, individual services or a complete package for multiple services and disciplines – throughout you remain in control.
The period for retained services is also completely up to you, our minimum term is 1 year, but a period up to 5 years can be considered to enable secure and consistent service provision.
We always endeavour to appoint a consultant who will fit with your business and management team. A consultant will be selected based on their knowledge, experience and geographical location – but the final decision on appointment will be made by you and your management team.
Where practical and requested, we will endeavour to appoint a multi-disciplined consultant, this will provide a consistent and singular point of contact for all your needs. Practical appointment will be based on geographic location, disciplines required, and business sector.
During service retention we will invite the consultant/s to attend meetings and reviews so all parties can meet prior to appointment.
All consultants will be fully vetted by us, but all competence information, (qualifications, knowledge and experience) can be disclosed prior to appointment upon request.
Upon commencement of service, we will commence the process of establishing the compliance objectives that need to be met, and the status of the business in accordance with those standards.
This will normally be supplied as a legal (or regulatory) register, identifying the applicable regulations, areas of applicability, management standards and practices, in order to establish and reflect the shortfalls as a ‘Gap Analysis’.
The information within the ‘Gap Analysis’ will be sourced from compliance assessments, audits, through discussion with management, and observations. If available we will utilise existing assessments and audits, if not available or reliable we will look to undertake soon after retention, or where requested before retention occurs.
The Benefits
The benefit of a structured approach to review, define and detail the service retention, is to ensure the needs of the business are clearly understood and considered in the service proposal.
This approach will result in an informed service retention, and the appointment of consultancy support to meet your business needs, and that will adapt seamlessly into the business management team.
Setting clear and defined objectives early in the retention will permit a structured and planned approach from the onset of service delivery.